Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Diotrephes and Demetrius

Dear class,

Today's readings are taken from Ezekiel 45, 46 and 3 John.

3 John is a short letter of encouragement. It is interesting to note the 2 men that were mentioned as examples - Diotrephes and Demetrius.

First of all, we note that it was a God sanctioned act on the apostle's part to "name names". Both for positive and negative. The congregation has the obligation to do as such.
Paul exhorted the brethren to "mark" and "note" erring brethren (Rom 16:17; 2Th 3:14). He himself named Demas, which must have been a painful thing for him, since Demas had once been a faithful brother, yet fell away due to the lures of the world (c.f. Phm 1:24; Col 4:14; 2Ti 4:10). "Labeling" is an authorised measure to be taken when dealing with erring brethren. However, we do note that there should be a progression of rebuke, a concept as alluded to be Jesus in Mat 18:15-17. Very often, people get defensive when things suddenly blow out of proportion and we have a potential congregational split at hands. Also we note in 2Th 3:15 that we are to continue to admonish the fallen "as a brother". Something which is unfortunately is often lacking.

What was the problem with Diotrephes? It appears that there was some sort of "power" struggle. In the same letter, John had encouraged the brethren to receive faithful brethren, and had written to the church previously (v. 9a), yet here was Diotrephes which sought to do just the opposite. Not only that, he even falsely accused John and the saints with him and sowed discord between the brethren and them. (v.10)
Diotrephes had not only failed to "do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." (Gal 6:10) and "refresh" the saints (2Ti 1:16), and worse, was guilty of "malice", "evil speakings" and "envy" (Eph 4:31; 1Pe 2:1, etc)

In contrast was Demetrius, who had "good report of all men, and of the truth itself" (v.12a). Little was mentioned of this faithful brother. The only other reference in the bible of this name was in Act 19:24,38, where Demetrius was a well-known silversmith making shrines of the goddess Diana. There's no indication that this would have been the same person, although Gaius (the recipient of the letter) was also mentioned in the account in Acts (v. 29). But if it were, it is definitely a great testament to the power of the gospel in the conversion of a staunch idol worshipper (maybe more of riches! c.f. v.24b,25b) to a well-favoured brother in Christ. His conversion would have meant a sacrifice on his part of a well paying career and likely the wrath of his fellow silversmiths.
We notice an individual who was in favour with God and men. This was the very quality exhibited by Jesus (Luk 2:52). Yet as shown in Jesus' example, this did not mean faithful brethren would not have enemies.

John left us with a very important concept in v.11 "Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God."
Previously, John had exhorted the brethren to "try the (every) spirits" (1Jn 4:1). Paul also told us to "prove all things" (1Th 5:21). Further, Jesus taught us to "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (Jhn 7:24), while Paul warned against people who had an outward appearance of righteousness (2Co 10:7). We are all too familiar with Jesus' warning of those who apparently does what is right but in actual fact practiced iniquity (Mat 7:21-23).
So here's the deal - we should not let ourselves be carried away by individuals who have a personal agenda, even when he has the greatest personality and charisma, and yea even when he seemingly engages in the greatest of works. The Word is our only guide to sift out such people and we should be disciplined to apply It consistently to every situation/individual.

Let us all seek to be Demetriuses and be wary of and mark the Diotrepheses and let no anyone of us fall into the category of the latter!

The Lord bless our day ahead.

in Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. ~ Acts 2:47

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