Sunday, January 20, 2013

CV of a Christian

Dear class,

The readings today wrap up the books of Genesis and Romans with chapters 49,50 and 16 respectively.

Romans 16 is an extended parting shot of Paul and it goes to show how personally involved the apostle was with the saints. Here was a man of God who truly displayed the great love and compassion for his fellow men and in spite of his no-nonsense outlook, exuded inner tenderness especially to those in the Lord.

The long list of names seemed to serve no other purpose but yet we note the practical characteristics that describe faithful Christians. Certainly worthy of our emulation and what better than to hear it from our Lord Himself on that day! Let's take a quick look:

1) v. 1 - Servant of the church 
Paul talked about being "servants of righteousness" (Rom 6:18). As Christians, we have forsaken being slaves to sin but enter into a lifetime servitude to God and righteousness. We need to display this in both the universal sense of the church, as Christ's body and in the local sense in actively participating in church activities and attending to the needs of the saints.

2) v. 2 - Saints, Succourer of many
Again, we are reminded, being a "saint", of our holy and consecrated estate, reserved for the service in Christ. "Succourer" - Greek, prostatis, or helper/patron again signifies the fervour of the Christian to the Lord's work and His people.

3) v. 3 my helpers in Christ Jesus
A slight contrast to the Greek word in "succourer", soonergos here alludes to a "companionship", a "fellow labourer". Suggests the close relationship and tight knit synergy (interestingly was derived from this very Greek word!) among the workers of the Lord.

4) v.4 laid down their own necks
Jesus said it best in John 15:13 - Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. And of course, our Lord Himself gave us the best example! (Rom 5:7,8)
Here was a godly couple who truly personified the Lord's commandments and so shall we, ever ready to rise up to the occasion.

5) v.5 first fruits unto Christ. 
The first fruits. The best of the harvest! This was supposed to be offered to God (c.f. Ex 22:29). This represents our very best service to God. Just think about it - how often do we offer our best time, best effort to the Lord? Do we plan out lives around God or is it relegated to whatever time we have left? Sobering thoughts brethren...

6) v. 6 bestowed much labour on us
Obviously Paul did not mean Christians increasing the burdens of others! What it means is as Christians we are exhorted to be busy for the Lord. 

7) v. 7 my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ 
The individuals mentioned by Paul could very well be blood kins with Paul. But as a family of God, certainly we share the same bloodline of Christ. There can be none other closer! Fellow prisoners more likely referred to our common servitude to righteousness (Rom 6:18). "of note" refers to our reputation. Obviously, Paul is not talking about clamouring for honours, since Jesus Himself rebuked the disciples for competing for greatness (Luk 22:24-27). But the fact that when we get our relationship right with God, those who are godly would look up to us. Yet not as solely man, but a godly example in Christ.
8) v. 8 my beloved in the Lord. 
We certainly need tender affection among brethren. And certainly we can see that Paul had much personal relationship with the children of God.

9) v. 9 our helper in Christ
Again, the allusion to a synergistic fellow worker.

10) v.10 approved in Christ.
Needless to say, the standard or approval must come from Christ!

11) v.11 in the Lord. 
The expression "in the Lord" is used some 46 times in the New Testament. The idea here is that which is approved, which pertains to the Lord.

12) v.12  labour the Lord. 
Once again the need for a diligent worker in God's vineyard.

13) v.13 chosen in the Lord
Not that we are "predestined" unto salvation, but rather the qualifications had been pre-determined. do we match up? Would we be able to put down these descriptors on our Curriculum Vitae to God?
Be better be! If we are to enter into the joy of the Lord.

God help us all to labour without ceasing and be found acceptable before Him.

In Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13

Rom 5:8  But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

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