Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Not Against Us

Dear class,

Today's readings are taken from Isaiah 37, 38 and Mark 9:30-50.

In Mark 9:40 - For he that is not against us is on our part.
It seems that the Lord has pretty broad guidelines! Does this passage gives the green light to the numerous Christian religions out there, that seem to proclaim Christ?

First of all, as usual, we need to examine the entire context. Jesus was addressing an issue among the disciples.
The problem first began earlier in yesterday's passage. The disciples were beginning to be full of themselves. I wrote previously on Jesus' explanation of the disciple's failure to cast out the demon - they were faithless because they did not follow instructions (note not the other way round!). But back to the matter here, we see this growing pride in the disciples, having being endowed with miraculous gifts and experienced some success. Even to the point of arguing who was greater, right under the nose of their master! It is with this nose in the air attitude that the disciples condemned the man who was casting out devils. They were really not interested in whether what he did was right but that this guy was trying to make them look bad! Hence, Jesus answer to bring back the focus of the matter - he had cast out demons in the AUTHORITY of Jesus. That was all that mattered. If he had an attitude problem, he will answer to God (c.f. Mat 7:21-23). Jesus went on to chastise the worldly attitude of the disciples, exhorting them to remove their worldly ways and finally even addressed the issue they had sought to hide from Him (v.34) in the final verse of the passage. Wherefore, even Paul exhorted us to season our speech with salt! (Col 4:6)

Secondly, as we've always emphasised, we need to take the SUM of the Word. In passages like Mat 12:30, Luk 11:23, Jesus paints a much more stringent requirement.
But in actual fact, when we properly understand Mar 9:40, Jesus is essentially talking about the same thing. What does it really mean by "not against"?
Jesus taught us to love Him is to keep His commandments (Jhn 14:15). Even works that had the semblance of righteousness could be condemned if not done truly in accordance to God's word! (Mat 7:21-23). Thus we see that "not against" is really just referring to one category - with God. In order to be truly "not against" God, it had to fit the bill as God laid out!
Any so called Christian religion that merely proclaims God in name is useless if it does not follow God's commandments in spirit AND in truth (c.f. Jhn 4:24).

Let us not be deceived, but continue stedfastly in our daily walk to constantly seek to be with God and not against Him!

The Lord bless our day ahead.

in Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. ~ Galatians 6:1
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. ~ Galatians 6:10

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