Dear class,
Today's readings are taken from Leviticus 26,27 and Revelation 4.
Chapter 4 of Revelation begins the "apocalyptic" section. One of the striking verses is found in 4:8
"And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
Certainly brings us to the scene first described by Isaiah in Isa 6:2,3. Also, is this concept of the timelessness and omni-presence of God. No less than 5 times in the book, Jesus mentioned about being the "Alpha and Omega", the first and last. (Rev 1:8,11,17; 21:6; 22:13). If one could frame God in a timeline, He would encompass the extremes and everything in between!
Related within is also the concept of the perpetual immutability, or changelessness of God, as we read earlier in Heb 13:8 and even earlier in Mal 3:6.
The fact that God "was" means that God was there right from the start. He was there in the foundation of the world. He was there when the plan of salvation was conceived. He was there when man first sinned. He was there when His Son died on the cross. God is in control! There is not a single "plan B" that God had to execute. There was only plan A all along! Job was taught this important lesson amidst his suffering. God bless his soul that he came to realisation and God help us all to continually recognise that fact.
The fact that God "is" means that God is always with us. God is not what as some imagine to be, some kind of irresponsible, whimsical being that leaves His creation in the lurch, as if they were His playthings. God may not manifest Himself as He did in those days, but the very fact that the world is still spinning, the sun still shines, rain still falls, air is ever present and breatheable, life goes on is a testament that God is still very much with us today. God takes care of us ALL THE WAY! In every generation, God is personally there. Such was the strong statement that God conveyed to Moses in Ex 3:6. God is present and living. And today we can certainly continue to say of God of YOU and I.
The fact that God "is to come" means that God will see it through till the very end. It means God will bring to pass all that he has said. We need to learn and continue in our belief to trust in God's promises. Abraham, in his moment of weakness, decided to take things into his own hand when he couldn't see how he could have a child with Sarah and the result was the birth of a pagan nation in Ishmael (Gen 16). Thanks be to God, Abraham learnt his lesson and when God commanded him to sacrifice his son, he did not try to take things in his own hands but realise all he needed was to walk by faith - i.e. follow exactly what God said and believe that God will deliver his promises. We do not know what is to come for us, yet we know for sure that God knows and God WILL BE THERE. All we need to do is to focus on the present, taking reference and comfort from the past and look forward to that final goal of God's promise.
What a great comfort and consolation! In the midst of the uncertainties of life, the pain and suffering, the confusion, there's one whom we could hang on and go to, one who have, is now and will ever provide and deliver His promises.
Let us be encouraged in our single minded service to Him and help one another and others along!
The Lord bless our day ahead.
in Him
But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13
And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. ~ 2Thessalonians 3:14,15
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