Thursday, October 24, 2013


Dear class,

Today's readings are taken from 1Samuel 30,31 and 1Timothy 4.

The readings in 1Samuel tell of the tragic end to the lives of king Saul and his three sons, as prophesied by Samuel's spirit (1Sa 28:19). A consequence of the repeated disobedience of Saul. We read with regret how a supposedly promising man ended up in such infamy and we can't help but think what great deeds he would have achieved given his credentials had he exercised more godly restraint.

Wherefore Paul exhorted young Timothy to focus his efforts to "exercise thyself rather on godliness".

It is interesting how Paul draws a comparison with bodily exercise! It seems that the Grecian culture promotes and exalts the human body and of it's endeavours. Wherefore we celebrate the Olympic spirit even to this day and get our modern concepts of gymnasium (the Greek word here for exercise, gumnazo is indeed where we get "gymnastics" and other related terms) and exercise.

Personally, I find bodily exercise a challenge! Trying to motivate oneself to jog once a week is already a gargantuan endeavour! But jokes aside, the analogy here is the effort involved and what we hope to get out of it.

Paul is not trying to negate the benefits of bodily exercise. Obviously, staying healthy and fit should be of concern to any Christian who takes a serious view of our bodies being the temple of God (c.f. 1Co 3:16; 6:19, etc). It's the same reason why we do not engage in activities like smoking, drinking, drug abuse, etc. Paul also advised Timothy to take steps to alleviate his "often infirmities" (1Ti 5:23). (which btw is a telling evidence that even as we pray to God for helping us recover from our illnesses, we should still take steps available in whatever time frame we are in to help ourselves!)
Liken to Jesus' teaching on "hating" our family (c.f. Luk 14:26, etc), the crux here is on the contrast of relative importance.

In comparison to spiritual health, physical health takes a rather far back seat! Unfortunately, even as we take pains to feed and take care of our physical body, which is all good, far too often we neglect our spiritual selves.

Even as we draw a parallel to bodily exercise, we note 3 important aspects of a successful spiritual programme.

1) Nutrition
Speak to any elite athlete, especially of the physical sort (since Paul here is drawing parallel with bodily exercise), one would note the importance of maintaining a certain diet. Any conscientious weight-loss company would also similarly advocate a sound nutrition plan (which heh heh quite often is the key more than anything else!).
We NEED spiritual food! Right from when we are babes, as Peter tells us in 1Pe 2:2, the pure milk right up to solid food (c.f. Heb 5:14). Paul exhorted Timothy earlier in the same chapter to be "nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine" (1Ti 4:6). Be careful not to eat just any junk food, but sound nutrition! First and foremost is the bible. The other stuff (yes, my emails inclusive!) are mere guides and must always be checked against the Word (c.f. Act 17:11; 1Jo 4:1, etc). When we need to, it is always good to begin with materials produced by sound brethren. Even with bible dictionaries/encyclopaedias, one needs to exercise caution to possible denominational bias.
Junk in, junk out. There's just no 2 ways about that.

2) Exercise programme
We often read of how elite athletes would switch coaches to fine tune their training programme. Personality compatibility aside, athletes recognise the vital need to be trained properly. Thanks be to God, we have the perfect coach in Christ, through His Word. The only issue is for us to JUST DO IT! Always love the Nike tagline. And interestingly, "Nike" is one of the forms of the Greek word for "victory" (c.f. 1Jhn 5:4). Yes! To be victorious in Christ requires action. We can't just sit around and do nothing.
The bible is full of details. In this chapter alone, Timothy was exhorted to "refuse profane and old wives' fables". (v.7) Hearsay, gossip, legends and traditions trying to pass off as doctrine. Be an example of the believers "in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." (v.12) Meditate, pray/think about such things. Give ourselves "wholly to them" (v.15). The idea that it's no longer something we have to plan to do, but it's our very lifestyle! And it has to be consistent for us to see results. Not a haphazard, do-as-I-see-fit-or-have-time attitude.
And of course, it sure helps to have a training partner. That's what brethren are for! Talk to one another. Encourage one another. Help one another. Why restrict ourselves to just Wed and Sun? In any case, often times even these 2 days are rush in rush out. God has given us the "peer support group" in the church. Make use of it!

3) Ultimate reward
Every athlete aspires some form of achievement and recognition. From the olive wreath in ancient Greece to the million dollars promised to Singaporean athletes getting an Olympic gold. What do we have at the end of our endeavour? Nothing short of salvation and life eternal! (c.f. v.16)
But note in v.8, God's promises and blessings apply in our present life too! Even as we look forward to the final reward in heaven, God does not leave His children wanting and without current hope.
Yet again, let us not forget that our striving today is not for a corruptible prize but an incorruptible crown of life and righteousness (1Co 9:25; 2Ti 4:8; Jam 1:12).
And you know what, there's no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. All who will cross the finish line gets the reward! What more can we ask?

Brethren, let us stop procrastinating! Gird up our loins and start today! Eat well, exercise well and rest well in the promise of eternal glory with God.

The Lord bless our day ahead.

in Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. ~ 1Timothy 2:4

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Pillar and Ground of The Truth

Dear class,

Today's readings are taken from 1Samuel 27-29 and 1Timothy 3.

The first major part of 1Timothy 3 is a familiar passage to most of us, having recently gone through a series in Church Leadership.

The concluding verses make a simple yet powerful statement with regards to the Church. The New Testament Church. The ONE Church that Christ purchased with His own blood and established (Act 20:28; Mat 16:18). We are brought to mind the excellent series taught by bro Patrick Swayne on the New Testament Church, which deserves our review from time to time.

In v.15, Paul talks about the church being "the pillar and ground of the truth".
Pillar and ground. Building terms so aptly applied here when we think of Christ as the chief cornerstone (1Pe 2:6) and the Church as a living structure with which Christians are the lively stones (1Pe 2:5).
The original Greek word for "pillar" is stoolos, describing that exact nature of the structure as a form of support.
In describing the apostles James, Peter and John, Paul wrote of them as "pillars"
(Gal 2:9). John, when writing of the church at Philadelphia, also described those that overcame tribulations and held fast to the faith as "pillar(s)" (Rev 3:12).
Junior bible class students would be particularly familiar with the dramatic end to Samson's tumultuous life when he perished along with 3000 or so Philistines by toppling the 2 pillars that held up the house (Jdg 16:25-30).
Thus, it is abundantly clear that the pillar is an all important part of the building, so much so that great men of God and fine examples of the faithful are described as such.
And what is the pillar or the structure for that matter, if there were no ground?
Hedraioma is the Greek word here, which again suggests the idea of a support albeit with the focus on being settled, immovable. Indeed, it is derived from hedraios, which we see used as "stedfast" (1Co 7:36; 1Co 15:58) and "settled"(Col 1:23), and in all 3 cases, used with reference to our faith/the faith.
Again JBC students would recall the familiar song based on the wise and foolish man building their houses on rock and sand as told by Jesus (Mat 7:24-27). Certainly, what good is the most fantastically designed, best built structure when the ground itself is unstable?

Thus it is with these 2 vivid pictures here that Paul draws the comparison of the church with THE TRUTH.
The very key tenets of THE TRUTH, the gospel truth of His saving grace, that is able to set us free (Jhn 8:32).
As bro Swayne's series remind us, we often forget just how important the Church that Christ built is. Truth is, God's plan for man's salvation can NEVER be dissociated from the Church. The Church is the very essence of God's plan for man. Why else would Christ have given His very life for? We are not talking about any building or man-made structure or organisation, but the BODY of Christ (Eph 1:22,23) And hence, it would be our life-long commitment to be part of IT and REMAIN a part of IT, and to tell others so.

Furthermore, or rather because of the all importance of the Church, we have an obligation as members, as the household of God, to "behave" ourselves. Paul reminds us to be "present (our) bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is (our) reasonable service." (Rom 12:1), our speech be with "grace, seasoned with salt" (Col 4:6). Peter reminds us to have our "conversation honest" among people (1Pe 2:12). And certainly within the ranks, all round concern and seeking of well-being one for another, spiritually and physically (Gal 6:1,10).

Let us continue to be encouraged and exhorted to uphold the Truth through our thoughts,words and deeds, to spread the saving Gospel, that more may come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved (1Ti 2:4).

The Lord bless our day ahead.

in Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. ~ 1Timothy 2:4

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Wise Woman

Dear class,

The readings for today are taken from 1Samuel 25,26 and 1Timothy 2.

In the chapter of 1Sa 25, we read of the account of Abigail, the wise and astute woman.

We notice the great contrast between her and her "churlish and evil" husband, Nabal.
Most notable being, in spite being given the chance to "escape" from the husband, she spared no time and effort in her rescue bid. We also note her quick and shrewd thinking to avert disaster.
1) She "made haste" and  took supplies, knowing that was what the men of David lacked (v.18)
2) She humbled herself and spoke kindly and wisely (v.23-31).

As a result, she prevented much bloodshed and David from sinning.

It is interesting to note that, in spite of the evil nature of Nabal, we are not to take things into our own hands. As Paul quoted of Moses in Rom 12:19 (c.f. Deut 32:35), vengeance belongs to God! And we read of how in the end, Nabal got his just deserts.

Over to 1Ti 2, we read of Paul's description of the godly woman.

1Ti 2:9  In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
1Ti 2:10  But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

Sisters! Look to the example of Abigail and what Paul is describing here. Outward beauty is not what God is after, but the inner adornment. The apostle Peter echoes the same sentiment in 1Pe 3:3,4

1Pe 3:3  Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
1Pe 3:4  But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

Brothers! What are we looking for/trying to develop in our potential mates, spouses, daughters? If we go after the very things that the bible teaches godly women to turn away from, aren't we becoming partly responsible for they way they turn out to be?

Let us continue to look to His Word for guidance and learn from the good examples set before us, that we may be found pleasing and acceptable in His sight.

in Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. ~ 1Timothy 2:4

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Only Fear The Lord

Dear class,

Yesterday's readings were taken from 1Samuel 10-12 and Ephesians 5:17-33.

Just a quick note on 1Sam 12.
We recall how Israel chose to reject God by electing a physical king among them.
Yet in spite of that, God continued to make provisions to the nation.

We note that the Israelites repented of their folly (1Sam 12:19).
Oftentimes, what's been done is done. Yet what's important is not to wallow in our sins but to gird up our loins and set our minds toward making ourselves right with God.

1Sa 12:20  And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: ye have done all this wickedness: yet turn not aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart;
1Sa 12:21  And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things, which cannot profit nor deliver; for they are vain.
1Sa 12:22  For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.
1Sa 12:23  Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:
1Sa 12:24  Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.
1Sa 12:25  But if ye shall still do wickedly, ye shall be consumed, both ye and your king.

Quick pointers as we examine the Word of God through Samuel:
1) Fear not
We cannot allow ourselves to be stuck in the mire in worry and anxiety, no matter what's been done and how big a set back. Snap out of it! Move on!

2) Turn not to vain things
A spiritual problem requires a spiritual solution. We cannot seek to be right with God through worldly avenues like "making amends" by doing benevolent works, delving into worldly "self-help" books, etc. First and foremost is to turn back to God's ways. And then to continue in them. That is the only way we can be right in the sight of God. We recall the 2 contrasting examples in Peter and Judas Ischariot. Both had sinned yet the latter chose to take matters into his own hands by taking his own life. We can be certain his part is in the lake of fire and brimstone (c.f. Rev 21:8)

3) God will not forsake
As God's holy nation, the same as it is then and in this present Christian age, in it's spiritual form (c.f. 1Pe 2:9), God WILL NOT forsake us! But is ever inclined toward those who would draw near to Him.

4) Prayer for one another
This should be a mainstay in our prayers! Prayer is a privilege accorded to Christians by God. A powerful privilege that is not to be taken lightly but with all reverence and to be in constant use. We see how the apostles constantly kept the brethren in their prayers and of course a very familiar verse as penned by Paul in 1Th 5:17 - Pray without ceasing!

5) Fear God and serve
Notice the dual nature of fearing God. True Godly fear cannot be separated from action! Our service also needs to be "in truth" - i.e. according to God's Word, not our own wisdom or perception, AND "with all (our) heart" - i.e. with the purest motivation and fullest extent of our commitment. Certainly reminds us of what Jesus commanded of us in the worship of God (c.f. Jhn 4:24). And if anyone of us needed anymore motivation to do so, other than the plain fact that we have been saved for the very purpose (c.f. Eph 2:10), let us not forget all the bountiful blessings we have in Christ Jesus!

6) Shun wickedness
To complete the picture, Samuel exhorted the people not to backslide. God has bountiful pleasures and mercy toward those that love Him and would turn to Him, but the wicked and unrepentant will only be left to face the wrath of God. As the redeemed citizens in His Kingdom, let us be forewarned and never allowed ourselves to slide back into the mire. (c.f. 2Pe 2:20-22; Heb 10:26-29)

The Lord bless our day ahead.

In Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13

Give us this day our daily bread. ~ Matthew 6:11

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rejecting God

Dear class,

Many apologies for the long period of absence. Lord willing, I will resume more regular writing from this point on.

Just a late post on today's readings in 1Sam 7-9 and Eph 5:1-16

Israel, after having gone through the "dark ages" of the judges have added injury to insult, so to speak, by rejecting God as we read in the account. (1Sa 8:6,7)

Two important observations:
1) "God allows" does not equal "God approves"
Here is a classic case. Did God approve of the institution of physical kings? Quite obviously not. Yet they exist and it seems that it was God that allowed it to happen. The fact of the matter is, God allows man to chose for himself. Man just can't choose the consequences. Israel was warned of the consequence of having physical kings yet they ignored the warnings and basically just did what they wanted. And we can certainly extend this concept to various areas - most notably denominationalism. Does it's existence mean that God approves of it? How can God approve of something that is contrary to His teaching about the ONE Church? How can God approve of something that is so utterly confusing in doctrine and teaching. How can God approve of something that doesn't even agree on the true way to salvation?
Again, we see that God allows man the choice. Right from the beginning when Adam and Eve chose to eat of the forbidden fruit, this was so. God could not have been clearer in His instruction to the couple, just as God could not have been clearer in His demonstration of Kingship to the Israelites, just as God could not have been clearer about the ONE TRUE Church that Christ has established and the way to be added into that Church. All that has happened that God allowed is as summed up by Paul of people "having itching ears" and turning away "their ears from the truth" (2Ti 4:3,4). Brethren, let us not be deceived - we CAN know the truth (Jhn 8:32). It's only a matter of whether we chose to respect and obey it.

2) Rejecting God
This idea sounds like a serious charge! "No no Samuel, we have all respect to God, we know all that He has done for us, but we just need a more able leader you know, doesn't help that your sons aren't exactly a chip of the block...but you see how our neighbours and even enemies are so successful with their kings..." This sounds like what the Israelites might have been thinking. Fact of the matter is, God said they rejected Him. When we do not follow His will, no matter how sincere, how seemingly beneficial our actions are, they are considered rejection of God's authority and disobedience. Even today, as we profess our faith in Christ, are we truly accepting God's authority? bro Swayne preached an excellent lesson last Sunday about our treasure in heaven. How precious is it to us? How closely are we following His commands to live a godly life? Or do we care enough only to profess with the mouth but well nigh reject God with out actions? (c.f. Mat 15:8,9)
Brethren, we need to be very careful and critical of ourselves. Rejecting God is not as far away or uncommon as it may seem. The greater danger is when we think we are doing fine and make excuses for our continual rejection. Wherefore as we've often read in my sign off - exhort one another daily...lest (we) be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. (Heb 3:13)

Let us be sober, vigilant (1Pe 5:8), ever tender hearted and contrite, and let not our conscience be seared with hot iron (1Ti 4:2), dead and numb, but always examining our lives and making sure we are right in His sight (2Co 13:5).

In Him

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. ~ Ephesians 2:8-10