Dear class,
Today's readings are taken from 1Samuel 27-29 and 1Timothy 3.
The first major part of 1Timothy 3 is a familiar passage to most of us, having recently gone through a series in Church Leadership.
The concluding verses make a simple yet powerful statement with regards to the Church. The New Testament Church. The ONE Church that Christ purchased with His own blood and established (Act 20:28; Mat 16:18). We are brought to mind the excellent series taught by bro Patrick Swayne on the New Testament Church, which deserves our review from time to time.
In v.15, Paul talks about the church being "the pillar and ground of the truth".
Pillar and ground. Building terms so aptly applied here when we think of Christ as the chief cornerstone (1Pe 2:6) and the Church as a living structure with which Christians are the lively stones (1Pe 2:5).
The original Greek word for "pillar" is stoolos, describing that exact nature of the structure as a form of support.
In describing the apostles James, Peter and John, Paul wrote of them as "pillars"
(Gal 2:9). John, when writing of the church at Philadelphia, also described those that overcame tribulations and held fast to the faith as "pillar(s)" (Rev 3:12).
Junior bible class students would be particularly familiar with the dramatic end to Samson's tumultuous life when he perished along with 3000 or so Philistines by toppling the 2 pillars that held up the house (Jdg 16:25-30).
Thus, it is abundantly clear that the pillar is an all important part of the building, so much so that great men of God and fine examples of the faithful are described as such.
And what is the pillar or the structure for that matter, if there were no ground?
Hedraioma is the Greek word here, which again suggests the idea of a support albeit with the focus on being settled, immovable. Indeed, it is derived from hedraios, which we see used as "stedfast" (1Co 7:36; 1Co 15:58) and "settled"(Col 1:23), and in all 3 cases, used with reference to our faith/the faith.
Again JBC students would recall the familiar song based on the wise and foolish man building their houses on rock and sand as told by Jesus (Mat 7:24-27). Certainly, what good is the most fantastically designed, best built structure when the ground itself is unstable?
Thus it is with these 2 vivid pictures here that Paul draws the comparison of the church with THE TRUTH.
The very key tenets of THE TRUTH, the gospel truth of His saving grace, that is able to set us free (Jhn 8:32).
As bro Swayne's series remind us, we often forget just how important the Church that Christ built is. Truth is, God's plan for man's salvation can NEVER be dissociated from the Church. The Church is the very essence of God's plan for man. Why else would Christ have given His very life for? We are not talking about any building or man-made structure or organisation, but the BODY of Christ (Eph 1:22,23) And hence, it would be our life-long commitment to be part of IT and REMAIN a part of IT, and to tell others so.
Furthermore, or rather because of the all importance of the Church, we have an obligation as members, as the household of God, to "behave" ourselves. Paul reminds us to be "present (our) bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is (our) reasonable service." (Rom 12:1), our speech be with "grace, seasoned with salt" (Col 4:6). Peter reminds us to have our "conversation honest" among people (1Pe 2:12). And certainly within the ranks, all round concern and seeking of well-being one for another, spiritually and physically (Gal 6:1,10).
Let us continue to be encouraged and exhorted to uphold the Truth through our thoughts,words and deeds, to spread the saving Gospel, that more may come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved (1Ti 2:4).
The Lord bless our day ahead.
in Him
But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. ~ 1Timothy 2:4
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