Dear class,
Today's readings are taken from Genesis 37,38 and Matthew 15.
Verses 8 and 9 in Matthew 15 are very telling and sobering verses. Jesus was quoting from Isaiah 29:13. The rebuke in context is directed at the Pharisees, but as we read of the rest of the bible, we note that the danger can indeed emerge from within the church and the denominational world at large. Paul warned of people who would not hold on to sound doctrine "...but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers..." (2Ti 4:3)
Peter warned extensively and bitingly of such false teachers who "allure through the lusts of the flesh" (2Pe 2:18 and overall the entire chpt 2)
We see and hear all over the "Christian" world today, all proclaiming the name the God yet denying the Lord through their froward teachings. It saddens us that the name of God is poorly spoken of especially in the face of the much prevalent "prosperity gospel". Truly as Peter wrote, these are the very people who " reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of." (2Pe 2:2b)
A quick note on worship. I believe far too often, we ourselves show a "Phariseetic" streak. The Pharisees used worship like a "faith pageant". As Jesus said of them, " But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues," (Mat 23:5,6)
Why do we worship? What is our attitude in worship? To whom is our worship truly directed to? Brethren, worship is TO GOD! We are the PARTICIPANTS! Only God is the audience.
Have you heard people say "Oh I don't enjoy this service", "I don't get much out of the sermon", "why is the service so long", etc, etc.
Brethren, worship is a PRIVILEGE. In our comfortable, affluent society, we sometimes really don't see how BLESSED we are to be able to serve God and worship Him in such a safe and comfortable environment.
We come to God every Sunday, with humble, contrite hearts ready to give Him glory. In every aspect!
We dress decently and respectfully. Worship is a FORMAL occasion. Not some casual get together, chit chat session.
We quiet down our minds and focus on God. It's good to mingle and catch up but why not do so after worship? God deserves our full attention!
We participate eagerly and earnestly. We concentrate on the prayer that we may truly say amen to the prayer. We sing loudly, fervently, giving praise to our Father in heaven and encouraging one another. We take the Lord's Supper reverently in sober meditation, mindful of the great sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We give cheerfully as God has prospered us and not like we are giving spare change. We listen to the sermon actively, taking notes and turning to the Word of God as It is referenced, ruminate and digest and apply to our lives.
And at the end, we pray in our minds that our service had been pleasing and acceptable to God and only Him. And we go away rejoicing that we have had the privilege to come to Him and gather as a family of God, that we have done as He had commanded. That alone motivates us to come eagerly every Sunday together, nothing else should matter!
I'm afraid yes, at times, we too allow the doctrines of man, in his selfish, self-serving way to get in the path of true worship.
Brethren, let us be careful not to fall into the trap of serving ourselves while professing God, but to render our true obedience to the Lord.
The Lord bless our day ahead.
In Him
But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. ~ Hebrews 3:13
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. ~ Romans 8:7,8
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