Exodus 7-9; Psalm 105; Ephesians 1
Ephesians 1:13-14
In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,
Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
One of the major misconceptions is the idea of “predestination” which is really a misunderstood of what is being “predestined”. It’s not individual salvation (although yes, God in His omniscience knows exactly who will be saved, but that’s for God to know!), but the plan and system of becoming part of the plan that is “predestined”. Indeed, before the foundation of the world (v.4)! The overall message to the Ephesians is assurance. Insecurity is a common feeling especially among the Gentile converts (v. 2:1-4). They oftentimes question if God truly would allow Gentiles into His fold! And here is Paul telling them, by inspiration, don’t worry! God had already got you covered, way way ahead of time.
Verse 13 here hammers home the point - if we needn’t do anything on our part why do we need to hear, believe and trust in the Truth, from which salvation is obtained?
Verse 14 is interesting. The word “ernest”, is the Greek word “arrabon”, which incidentally is a transliteration (oh yes! Even in those days they borrowed words from other languages!) of the Hebrew “erabon”, as used in the incident of Judah and Tamar, where Judah gave his signet ring, bracelets and staff as a pledge or guarantee that he will pay her in full (Gen 38:17,18,20).
So the “Holy Spirit” was to be a pledge of the eternal reward to come, when Christ comes again to receive His bride, the Church, which he had redeemed with His Blood.
So then the question is what is this seal of the Holy Spirit? Did it refer to the miraculous gifts? Seems unlikely, as miraculous gifts did not apply to everyone and was only obtained through the laying of hands of the apostles (c.f.Acts 8:16,17). Furthermore, such gifts were not essential for salvation but as a part of what Paul describes as “in part” and to be finally done way with the completion of the Bible (c.f. 1Co 13:8-10).
Which gives us the hint to what Paul may have been referring to - the Word of God as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Observe that, in the same breath, Paul went on in vv. 17-18
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
Thus he was asking for wisdom to apply the knowledge with understanding of that revealed Word that we many have hope and appreciation of the full deal. And that makes perfect sense of it being the “ernest” or “pledge”. We are sealed when we obey the Word given by God through the medium of the Holy Spirit. To give a loose analogy, it’s like the signatory of the justice of peace on a marriage certificate which seals the marriage between the couple. Yet that seal was based upon the fact that the couple fulfilled the requirements of the law for marriage. The significance of the seal was not so much that it was from the JP but that it carried the authority of the law.
Let us be reminded that God did not give us the Bible “for fun”, as a “keep sake”, or even a “reference book”, but indeed is the very token of guarantee that what He promised will come to pass! So let us cherish the Word and diligently study and apply to our lives, let it dwell in us richly (Col 3:16), that we may finally obtain that glorious inheritance!