Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Woman with spikenard

Today’s readings
Genesis 35-37; Psalm 12; Mark 14

Mark 14:6
And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me.

This account of the unknown woman was also described in Matthew 26:6-13. This is to be distinguished by a similar event by Mary, as recorded in Jhn 12:1-8. The significant difference being the timing of the 2 events (this being 2 days before the Passover and Mary’s 6 days)

It is interesting to see the reaction of various parties involved.
1) The woman
Jesus described her action as having “Wrought a good work”. Anointing was a common practice in those days, especially where it concerned priestly duties and appointment of kings and offices. Later we read of the women (Mar 16:1) who wanted to anoint Jesus’ body.
And this woman was actually anointing in preparation for Jesus’ death (v. 8). Whether or not the woman was told of Jesus impending death, is unknown. Nevertheless, it was a sign of respect and honor (c.f. Luk 7:44-46). Here was a woman who was convinced of the nature of Christ and was determined to give of her best to the Lord and Saviour.

2) The disciples
Or at least some of them as according to the account here. Instead of lauding the action of the woman, they chose to be narrow minded and indignant. With a supposedly legitimate reason!

3) Jesus
Jesus not only defended the actions of the woman but also rebuked the protestors, and went on to predict the honor that was to be bestowed upon the woman (v.9)

The attitude of the woman is vital for us to learn - do we desire to do what is honorable to God, I.e. that which is authorized? This was not some random act out of whim or fancy, but a legitimate act of honoring someone.
Do we desire to give our BEST for the Lord? This was an expensive perfume! It might have been what the woman had been saving up for all her working life, yet she willingly gave of it.

What of the dissenting attitude of the disciples? This was not new. We have read previously how they squabbled over superiority (Mar 9:33) and how they tried to forbid a follower (Mar 9:38). Unfortunately, even where the Lord’s work is concerned, even among the faithful, there will be times when jealousy rears its ugly head. We need to check ourselves against such attitudes and always rejoice where the work of the Lord is done.

And finally, judgment belongs that of God, meaning to say, our standard has to be based on God’s standard and not of our own. Be courageous to stand up and speak up against brethren who might be getting out of line (c.f. 1Ti 5:20; Ti 1:13). And of course always done in love and meekness (Eph 4:15; Gal 6:1)

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