Dear brethren,
Today's readings :
2Chronicles 5-7; Psalm 121; 1 Timothy 4
1Ti 4:1 — 1Ti 4:3 (KJV)
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
Again, doesn't this sound familiar? (c.f. the previous devotion on 2Th 2:3,4)
Paul certainly pulled no punches in condemning and giving warning to such false teachers and doctrine.
Notice that he was not warning about some pagan religion but of those who were once in the faith but have departed. This statement both shows that it is possible to come to the true faith and at the same time to fall from it.
We further observe the scathing remarks about these back-sliders -
"giving heed to seducing spirits" From the very beginning, in the garden of Eden, Satan is the master of subterfuge and lies (c.f. Jhn 8:44). What is so despicable is that he throws temptation in our way and seduces and entices us, often using half-truths, to make a wrong move. Yet, it also points to the fact that we can make the decision to give heed or reject.
"doctrines of devils" wow... Do we realise just how serious the matter is? Again, we are not talking about some way off pagan religion but still within the "Christian" faith. And yet, there is no difference - any departure, however small and minor (we are "merely" talking about food and family!), is as bad as the teaching of the devil! There are so many, even today, who will happily wave the flag of Christ, claiming everything to be fine and dandy as long as we all "believe in the same God" and yet whose end is as of the devil and his minions. Don't forget, the devils believe in God too and tremble even! (Jam 2:19)
"speaking lies in hypocrisy" ouch... This means that these individuals are not ignorant. Unlike Paul in his pre-conversion, their conscience is not clean. In fact it is just "seared with a hot iron" - meaning to say, it doesn't even bother them! These are the people who know the truth and yet choose to teach otherwise.
Let us not be complacent. Let us indeed continue to be vigilant of such false teachers and doctrine, because they are still very much active and in large majority today, and will continue to entice with the half-truths and smooth speech. Again and again, we are urged to study the Word and make oursleves impervious to the attacks of the devil and adopt a non-comprimising attitude where doctrine is concerned, lest we too be found as the minions of the devil...
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