Dear brethren,
Today's readings:
2Kings 7,8; 2Chronicles 21; Matthew 6
Mat 6:22 — Mat 6:23 (KJV)
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
This is one of those verses that when you just glance at it sounds right but then when you dwell into it, just what does it mean?
The "light" here really refers to a type of oil lamp (which some modern versions more accurately translates). Now the "eye" is used metaphorically to refer to the mind (c.f. Eph 1:18). "single" is translated as "good" in most modern versions, which is clearer but the Greek word here specifically refers to not being complex, without undulations (and here is scientific foreknowlege of the bible describing astigmatism, which is caused by the uneven surface of the cornea, resulting in double vision!). "full of light" is actually one Greek word that refers to a luminous or bright object.
Whereas "full of darkness" is also one word alluding to wretchedness, being in a sad, pitiful state (c.f. 1Co 15:19).
Jesus exhorted us, earlier in this Sermon on the mount, for his disciples to be light of the world (5:14-16). Indeed, whether it be bright shining light or diffused and dark "light", it stems from our minds, our thoughts, our motivations. And that motivation will determine what permeates throughout our body or our actions and deeds. Jesus later taught about the contrast between the good and evil heart (Mat 12:35). Truly, having the right attitude and mindset, a pure and unadulterated heart, is the key to us being pleasing to God and being able to reflect God's light in His perfect glory. The flip side is a sobering and ominous warning - it is not just darkness but a great darkness - meaning to say, a much worse effect coming from one who professes to know God than from one who does not know God (c.f. 2Pe 2:20, 21)! Because it results in blind leading the blind and the ultimate destruction of both... (Mat 15:14).
Wherefore, let us take heed and be mindful and diligent to present "single eyes", which can only be achieved by diligent study and application of His Word, that we shine as true lights to guide the way for the lost to salvation, and not dark lamps that only cause others to stumble and ultimately reaping damnation to ourselves.
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