John 12:43 (KJV)
For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
This simple yet profound and hard hitting statement just about sums up the state of affairs in the denominational mish mash even today...
Even in the days of true miracles, there was a mixture of belief and unbelief. And this perfectly explains the reason for unbelief.
The evidence was clear then as it still is today. But when people allow their pride and prejudice to get in the way, no truth, however compelling can get in.
But some protest "there are some really devout and sincere people in the denominational world!" So was the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8), Cornelius(Acts 10), Apollos (Acts 18). And yet these too needed to be taught the Gospel, and needed to "update" their beliefs, and needed to obey the Gospel to be pleasing to God.
At the end of the day, it boils down to just how much we love God - to acknowledge and do the uncomfortable, and not give excuses like procrastinating Felix (Acts 24:25) or "almost persuaded" Agrippa (Acts 26:28).
Are there unfaithful members in the Lord's Church? God forbid, yet it happens, even from the first century. But that does not justify other "gospels"!
God cannot be pleased when we seek to please men, even oursleves, and surround oursleves with those who dance to our tune (c.f. 2Ti 4:3). God cannot be pleased when we seek only to do things that are convenient, self-glorifying, even "right", when we will not even acknowledge God in the way that He laid out (Mat 7:21-23). God cannot be pleased when we pick and choose as His commands and "ad lib" with our own ideas of what righteousness mean (c.f. Rom 10:2,3; 16:17,18; 1Tim 6:5).
Let us not seek to be men-pleases (including self!) but continually seek after God's pleasure (c.f. Col 3:22) and be humble and contrite to acknowledge if we should veer away, and have the courage to get back on track. Because ultimately, a "well done, good and faithful servant" (Mat 25:21,23) from the Lord, is all that matters.
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