Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Seek and save the lost

Dear brethren

Today's readings
Joshua 22-24; Psalm 116; Luke 19

Luke 19:10 (KJV)
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

Jesus previously mentioned how difficult it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom. (Luk 18:24-25) And yet here's a successful example. Because Jesus also said with God all things are possible (Luk 18:27)!
This goes to show that where there are willing souls, God will always provide.
This passage also suggests to us that by giving our lives wholly to God (c.f. 2Co 8:5) it does not mean we have to forsake all our material possessions and live an ascetic (abstaining from all forms of finer living) life [for example in the case of the rich ruler, it was his attitude of holding higher regard to riches that was the problem (c.f. 1Ti 6:17-19) not the actual act of forsaking all and in the case of Ananias and Sapphira, not the actual act of giving up the entire proceeds from the sale of land but the fact they lied about it (Act 5:4)] but that we give priority to spiritual matters. That IF we had to forsake all, we will do so.

This passage also reminds us that we need to be active in our evangelism endeavors. We also should not be choosy about the person and not judge based on our own preconceived notions but jump at every opportunity as it presents itself. God is no respecter of persons (Rom 2:11) [meaning to say He is not prejudiced against anyone but all have an equal opportunity to be saved] so all the more we cannot be!

Let us be like Jesus in our zeal and willingness to bring the gospel everywhere and to anyone and everyone, and be like Zacchaeus, always ready and willing to obey God's Word and do His good will!

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