Thursday, January 9, 2020

Be Prepared

Matthew 24:42 (KJV)
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

The Scouts' motto - "Be Prepared" is certainly a good one for Christians to follow!

And as Jesus says here, the Christian needs to be watchful, to be ready like the faithful and wise servant.
Being watchful thus does not mean we merely sit and twiddle our thumbs but it means that we diligently carry out God’s will for us, that we be busy with the Lord's Work as did the faithful servant in the absence of his master.
In fact, to do anything otherwise, will be comparable to the wicked servant.

This has a huge application impact on the way we live our lives.
Very often we might hear of people saying -
"oh I need to work hard and earn money so that I can give to the Lord";
"I am busy with things in life right now but when I retire, I will have to resources and time to fully serve God";
"I know I have this weakness but in time to come I will change, anyway I am still young"

The question is, how do we know there is a "future" for us to fulfil our projections? Jesus already said He will come as the thief in the night. Moreover, we also do not know when we will be called home to the Lord! As James wrote in James 4:14 -
"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

And so, there is no opportune time to serve the Lord. Today is the day. We have began our "guard duty" the moment we rose out of the watery grave of baptism. And it is an individual responsibility for which no one can do on our behalf and neither is there a "change over" in our post!
As it is sometimes said "Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people"
So let us wake up from slumber and gird ourselves up for watch duty, in whatever capacity we can, to the best we can, be ready, be prepared, till the Lord comes again, that He may say to us "well done, good and faithful servant... Enter thou into the joy thy Lord", and be received up to glory.

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