Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Taking God at His Word

Matthew 22:29 (KJV)
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.

On the surface, it seems unfair for Jesus to accuse the Sadduccees of not knowing Scripture, since it was not mentioned any where we know of with regards to the husband and wife relationship after death.
However what Jesus was addressing was their fundamental understanding with regards to the permanancy of the soul, as explained in v. 32.
They took a hypothetical situation to deny what was taught in the Scriptures when really is their inability or rather unwillingness to understand and appreciate what God is saying.

And till today, this attitude is ever so prevalent. We hear things like, "how would God destroy innocent people who have not had the chance to hear the gospel (c.f. 2Th 1:7,8)" or "how would God command water baptism as necessary to salvation  - when there are places with not even enough water to drink, less immerse someone!"
But yet the Scriptures are clear. Then it boils down to the question of trusting in the power of God. Of us taking God at His Word, that He will not suffer the righteous to perish, that He will always provide, yeah, even for the wicked (c.f. Mat 5:45). It is the similar protest raised by Job who, God bless his heart, came to full realisation the folly of his indignation and doubt, and mind you, from one of the most upright person who has ever lived, when God didn't even give a direct answer but merely had to show the contrast between God's power and knowledge against man's.
Is this then blind faith? Absolutely not! It is through the solid testimony of His creation, through the accumulated evidence of the faithful witnesses throughout the centuries, through fulfilled prophecies in the Scriptures, through the perfect harmony of the Holy Writ, that we can have full confidence in Him. Truly, there is not a single area of knowledge that we put as much scrutiny to come to full confidence! If believing in God and His Word is blind faith, then everything we believe in is blind.

Thus it remains for us to diligently seek after His Word, making sure we "rightly divide" (ASV:handling aright; 2ti 2:15), and to trust in His Power, in His ability to deliver what He has promised, and settle in that blessed assurance that we need not be anxious or afraid.

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